Sharing it

So we have integrated it with pyecharts and jupyter notebook. When we sharing it, we cannot use localhost/ The solution is to find a static file host.

Host the js file on github

This is by default how all js assets of echarts-maps are hosted. It is very handy for me.

  1. Initialize the repo locally.

    $ git init

    $ git add .

    $ git commit -am "initial comment"

  2. Create a project on github and push your local repo up there.

  3. Open the setting page of your project


  4. Then scroll down and set up github pages.


  5. Please wait for github pages to be available.

Since the link is public, you now can update it in your script and share it.

from pyecharts import options as opts
from pyecharts.charts import Geo
from pyecharts.datasets import register_url


g = (
        .add_schema(maptype="The Forbidden City")
            title_opts=opts.TitleOpts(title="The Forbidden City in Beijing"),

Now you can share your script

  1. You can host render.html in your github repo, like this:
  2. And share jupyter-notebook via Here is the example link.


  3. Here is what it can be seen by your audience:


Please note that it will take some time for the online jupyter notebook viewer to show properly. For my example, it took 24 hours.

Other ways to host it publicly

There are many viable solutions:

  1. Publish your js file as npm package and use as content delivery server for you.
  2. Save it in AWS S3 and make it suing AWS cloud-front
  3. Publish your project to google firebase platform.